FAQ (General)
What is the product guarantee timeframe?
Our products have a 12-month guarantee. If there is any manufacturer defect during this time, please send it to us for diagnosis, repair, or replacement. Our warehouse and repair laboratory are located in California, USA.
What is the return policy?
We accept returns within 30 days of the order transaction date.
Can you ship internationally?
Yes. We ship internationally on a daily basis using UPS International and DHL. See our Shipping Policy.
Can you overnight the product?
Yes. When checking out, please select Overnight Shipping.
When is your daily order/shipping deadline?
It is 11am pacific. Orders received after this deadline will be shipped the next day.
Do you ship on Saturdays?
How do I cancel my order?
Email: sarah@forensicsdetectors.com. If we have not shipped the unit, we will be able to cancel it immediately and refund your money.
How do I request technical assistance?
Dr. Koz can answer all your questions. Email at: drkoz@forensicsdetectors.com.
Include any photos with the below information:
- Model #:
- Serial #
- Order #:
- Purchase Date:
- Problem Description:
Are your products in stock?
Most of our products are 99% in stock throughout the year. We keep a large inventory in our Los Angeles, CA warehouse. If you are concerned and need to double-check, please email sarah@forensicsdetectors.com.
What is Gas Leak Detector?
Gas Leak Detector is a Forensics Detectors trademarked brand.
Who is Forensics Detectors?
A trusted distributor, brand, and manufacturer of high-quality and affordable gas detectors, gas meters, and gas detection equipment. Read about our story.
We are a 5-star seller on Amazon.com.
We are a 5-star business on Google.com.
We are a 5-star seller on Ebay.
How do I pay?
We accept PAYPAL and Credit Card purchases. Sorry, we do not accept POs. Use our online payment system. It is fully secured and encrypted. It runs on the famous Shopify Platform with payments executed on the backend using Stripe.
Do you offer discounts?
There are quantity discounts over 20 units.
Email sarah@forensicsdetectors.com
Do you have Will Call pickup?
Yes. Come to our warehouse in Los Angeles, CA.
Will call pick up is between 8 am to 2 pm daily. Email sarah@forensicsdetectors.com to let us know you are coming to confirm we have your product and we have enough time to prepare and calibrate your device. Please first purchase the item online and reference your order number. Also, mention “will call” in the order comments section when purchasing to make it clear you will be picking it up.
What are your terms of service?
See here Terms of Service.
What is your privacy policy?
See here Privacy Policy.
What is your refund policy?
See here Refund Policy.
What are your shipping options?
Shipping options are highlighted by the Shipping Policy.
Are you legit?
Yes, we are legit.
We are a 5-star seller on Amazon.com.
We are a 5-star business on Google.com.
We are a 5-star seller on Ebay.
Do you have a Gas Detector FAQ?
Yes, click here.